What are the best and worst nicknames you've ever had?
I've had a million nicknames, at least 999,000 of which Iain alone has given me, but my favorite, quite honestly (and rather boringly, I guess) is Lissa. I especially liked being called Lissa by my maternal grandparents, whose Queens accent turned it into "Lisser." My Londoner Andy turns it into "Lisser," too.
The worst nickname I've ever had was Hickster. I have no solid memory of how that nickname came about—and I may well have anointed myself with it—although I've a dim recollection that it had something to do with wearing overalls or a plaid shirt or something vaguely hillbillyish, and was part of a triad of nicks, the other two of which, belonging to my two girlfriends, were Chickster (for extreme girliness) and Slickster (for over-moussed hair). Who knows which moniker came first, but the other two immediately followed. Ahh, high school cleverosity. We thought we were awesome. Good times.
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