Quote of the Day

"Sarah Palin is essentially Ronald Reagan in heels."—Robin Smith of the Tennessee Republican Party.


And taken from a larger quote, the entirety of which Petulant, who's having internet issues today, transcribed from the video: "Through Sarah Palin, the definition that has been painted by the liberal media of what an acceptable female candidate has been shattered. An acceptable female candidate for the Democrat party and the liberal media is an angry, shrill woman who doesn't see a child as a blessing, but as a burden. A woman that puts her career first. Who is on the fringes of a lot of issues. And what we are seeing in Sarah Palin is essentially Ronald Reagan in heels. And a woman who puts her family, her god, and her faith first. A woman who is able to juggle her profession and smile and be kind and compassionate. We are witnessing the revolution of what is going to be acceptable to be a female candidate right now."

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