Sexism Doesn't Happen in a Void

My assumption is that the authors and editors of The American Prospect are smart enough to know that. So I'm wondering why all three of their blogs—Ezra Klein, Beat the Press, and TAPPED, the latter of which is written by a group of contributors including several people who I know are smart enough to know that—are currently running this ad:

"Yet Another BUSH We Can't Trust"—seriously? Look, I don't give a shit about the "hilarious" double entendre the copy is employing; that's blatantly sexist. And it has no business at any blog that asserts to be feminist and/or progressive.

I'm sympathetic to bloggers and media outlets trying to make money doing the important work of advocating for progressive ideas—I'm one of them, after all. But what's the point if you're willing to undermine what should be a basic progressive principle like "women are more than the sum of their ladybits" when someone offers you a few bob for ad space? It's counterproductive—and quite literally self-defeating.

Last week, I also rejected an ad featuring a sketch of John McCain screwing Sarah Palin with the label "Drill, baby, drill!" It wasn't even a question. And it's not like I couldn't use the money—also last week, we got a medical bill for more than I've made from ad sales the entire year. I don't share that in search of a pat on the back; I'm no fucking hero (as if that weren't patently obvious). I'm an asshole and a fuck-up, but I'm also a progressive and a feminist, and, as such, I've got a path ahead of me arduous enough to traverse already without making the journey that much more difficult for myself by contributing to the morass.

When the whole rest of the world wants to subvert your teaspoon, there's no reason to give them help.

Of course, I'm just part of the sanctimonious women's studies set, so what do I know?

[H/T to Shaker Allie.]

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