So, I went into last night's debate knowing that John McCain and Tom Brokaw are personal friends—Brokaw has celebrated McCain's birthday with him and served as his personal advocate at NBC News—but giving Brokaw the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn't let his bias show.
Well, that was silly of me.
Brokaw laughed openly at McCain's various attempts at humor, and it appeared on at least two occasions that McCain was gesturing to Brokaw behind Obama's back as he spoke—neither of which would have bothered me nearly as much if his demonstrable preference wasn't made manifest in a glaring disparity between his graciousness toward each candidate.
Brokaw thanked Obama exactly twice: Once after he answered the question about who he has in mind for Treasury Secretary ("Senator Obama, thank you very much.") and once at the very end of the debate ("Thank you, Sen. Obama.").
Brokaw thanked McCain seven times: After he answered whether the economy would get worse before it gets better ("Thank you, Sen. McCain."), after his answer to the question about sacrifice ("Sen. McCain, thank you very much."), after his response about reforming entitlement programs ("Sen. McCain, thank you very much."), after he talked about American R&D ("Thank you very much, Senator."), after he spoke about the McCain Doctrine ("Sen. McCain, thank you very much."), after he answered the final questions ("Thank you very much, Sen. McCain."), and at the very end of the debate ("Thank you, Sen. McCain.").
It was enough that I noticed it during the debate. It was also enough that Iain, who had no knowledge of the preexisting friendship between Brokaw and McCain, noticed it, too. "Could that moderator get his heed any furver oop McCain's arse? Enough wif the fank-yous!"
None of the above actually matters—Obama won the debate handily. But I thought, for future reference, it was worth noting that Brokaw seemed unable to be totally respectful toward Obama.
No wonder he and McCain are pals. Lots in common.
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