Daily Kitteh

"Adopt Us!" Edition

Shaker Darla's friend Elaine rescued a mother and her kittens recently and is committed to finding all five kittens good homes. She's already paid for the first round of shots, and is desperate to find adoptive parents for these little dolls, so if you're interested, and are near (or can get to) the Madison, NC area, email me and I'll put you in contact with Elaine. (UPDATE: Elaine also adds she'd be willing to drive 3 hours one way to meet someone with a kitten.)

Hi there! We were born under a bush next to Elaine's front door. My mom is scared of humans, so she picked out a really nice bush for us to hide under. When the humans in the house found us, they got very nervous and were afraid we might be eaten by a nasty opossum. So they saved us and put us in a warm bed on the porch.

Now the humans feed us from a bottle three times a day to give my mom a break. And she does the rest. My mom is starting to trust the humans more, because she realizes they are here to help us grow strong and healthy. She sits close to the humans now, and watches over us as they try to feed all 5 of us with just two bottles. It can get a little messy sometimes.

Like all kids, though, kittens grow up fast and our mom can't take care of us forever. We need to find humans who love fluffy, adorable kittens and will raise them as their own. We promise to use the litter box, leave your Christmas ornaments on the tree, and purr in your ear every night. Will you help us? Unlike our mom, we are not afraid of humans. We love to cuddle. We will love you.

If you can take one of us home, email Liss.

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