So this is pretty significant:
Mr. Obama would consider officially opening combat positions to women. Mr. McCain would not.It's not a promise to allow women to serve equally, but the recognition that women are already in serving in combat is a big step in the right direction.
"Women are already serving in combat [in Iraq and Afghanistan] and the current policy should be updated to reflect realities on the ground," said Wendy Morigi, Mr. Obama's national security spokeswoman. "Barack Obama would consult with military commanders to review the constraints that remain."
More of this, please.
Oh, and neither candidate supports reinstating the draft, but, in that eventuality, only one of them supports requiring women to sign up with the Selective Service, while the other one doesn't, probably because he thinks the womenfolk need to keep the hearth warm for the brave boys coming home or something equally retrofucktastic. If you guessed the anti-egalitarian asshat is John McCain, give yourself 1,000 points.
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