I've looked around but haven't found it yet, have you all covered the "Palin is a Cunt" shirts that people were wearing to the hockey game last week? As much as I dislike her, those shirts were totally uncalled for. You guys are usually the first one to notice this kind sexist crap.I've gotten a few emails about this, too, so let me just quickly say: Yes, I've seen it, and no, I'm not going to cover it (aside from this note). They're detestable, it goes without saying—but the people who wore them have been trying to sell those shirts ever since Palin was nominated. I've been aware of them for quite some time. It was a publicity stunt, and I'm not inclined to give them any more attention.
Sometimes not blogging about things is actually better.
There's always a good reason why something that might seem like a natural fit doesn't end up on the blog. I just wanted to say that and reaffirm my promise that I'll never ignore something because of partisanship.
Carry on.
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