From the Mailbag

I got a typical Nigerian scam e-mail last night:
From: Mrs. Cana Williams []
Sent: Saturday, October 04, 2008 3:16 AM
To: mustangbobby [at] barkbarkwoofwoof [dot] com
Subject: Investment Assistance

Attention Sir,

My name is Mrs. Cana Williams, l am writing you from UK. l am a South African citizen. With all due respects, your info was reliably introduced to me. I will like to invest in your country but I don't know you very well or anybody that will be willing to help me if l should be able to come over there, that is my reason of contacting you to know if you will be of assistance.

Do you have investment experience, what areas are you personally suggesting?. I want to invest in a profitable business in your country. My money is available in Europe. l want to invest this money in Asia or Europe. If you can handle it then let me know so that we shall plan/discuss how to move the money to you in your country. 10% of the total funds is yours for your assistance. (Non-negotiable)

Waiting to hear from you for further information.

Best regards,
Mrs. Cana Williams
I drafted a reply:
Dear Mrs. Williams:

I suggest you contact Mr. Henry Paulson. He can be reached at

Good luck.

Mustang Bobby
Anything I can do to help a country in need.

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