"Oh, probably zero," she said. "I'm not seeking any other position than to be the best senator from New York that I can be."And I immediately turn into Lloyd Christmas.
Being nominated to the Supreme Court?
"Zero," Clinton said. "I have no interest in doing that."
Running for president again?
"Probably close to zero," she said. "There's an old saying: Bloom where you're planted."
Lloyd: What are my chances?The whole president thing I'm pretty wev about (unless McCain *gag* wins), because who knows what the landscape will look like eight years from now. And SCOTUS is a nifty idea, but I doubt she could be confirmed without a veto-proof majority, and, even then, it would be a tough road. (And why the hell would she want to go through that?) But I would like to see her as Senate Majority Leader.
Mary: Not good.
Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million.
Lloyd: [long pause] So you're telling me there's a chance. YEAH!!!
And in my cozy little Lloyd Christmas world, the chances of Obama choosing her to be Secretary of Health and Human Services and her accepting the position are still eleven out of ten, because the "Fox & Friends" reprobates evidently didn't think to ask her about it.
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