…or do you find yourself increasingly reading stories about the rightwing's scare tactics, and thinking, "If only!"
I just read this piece at PageOneQ about a GOP mailer in NC claiming that Democratic candidate Kay Hagan, who's challenging Sen. Elizabeth Dole, will advance a "radical homosexual agenda" (that old canard!) including "same-sex marriage, removing 'Under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance, and forcing the Boy Scouts to accept gay and atheist troop leaders."
If only!
And I keep hearing (as do we all) that Barack Obama will be a crazy liberal who, if elected, will turn America into a socialist utopia, redistributing wealth toward a robust social safety net including universal healthcare, where children will be taught comprehensive sex education, contraceptives will flow like water, abortions will be affordable and accessible, institutional racism will be eradicated, people will be lifted from poverty, LGBTQIs will serve openly in the military, same-sex marriage will be legal, feminism will be taught in schools, and gay pink unicorns will be fucking in the streets!
If only.
From your worst nightmares to Maude's ears, conservative fearmongers.
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