Who cares about substance? She was folksy!I'm not sure which is more disgusting; Mr. Brooks' elitist presumption that the "casual parts of the country" will find her use of colloquialisms endearing and that the voters care more about how she came across rather than her lack of substance on anything beyond her talking points, or that Mr. Brooks has lowered his standards to the point that someone with the lack of qualifications on the level of Ms. Palin is an acceptable choice for vice president.
Here's a little news for Mr. Brooks and the handlers in the McCain campaign: the middle class doesn't want their vice president to come across like a daytime talk show host, and like it or not, they do remember what's been going on in the country for the last eight years. All the folksy charm won't erase that.
PS: I have some further thoughts on last night's follies here.
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