The Momentum, He Is Feeling It!

McCain is all "woot!" about his stupid campaign:
"We're very happy with the way the campaign is going," McCain said on the "Fox News Sunday" program. "I've been on enough campaigns, my friend, to sense enthusiasm and momentum, and we've got it."
Well, all right then.

Thing is, this weekend, Iain and I went to see "W," the new Oliver Stone biopic about Bush (Four Word Review: "Yawn. Save your dosh."), and there's a scene in which footage of Josh Brolin delivering the "We're going to war in Iraq" speech to the nation is intercut with real footage of Congress from that broadcast. When it cut to a scene of McCain—who wasn't doing anything, just sitting there—the whole audience started laughing.

Mind you, before the movie started, Iain and I noticed that we were by far the youngest people in the theater, except for one pair of black women, who I believe were a couple and were about our age (mid-30s), and a youngish Latino guy who'd come with his elderly mom. Everyone else was significantly older and white. And, ya know, in Indiana.

And just at the mere sight of McCain, they all burst into laughter.

That can't be good.

For him.


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