Oh, This Is Getting Good

Munch, munch, munch:

[Screen caps and transcript for those who can't view the video, below.]

That's just a thing of beauty. You can practically hear Sinatra crooning "I've Got You Under My Skin" in the background.

Don't you know you fool, you never can win / Use your mentality, wake up to reality…

Is it cozy there in that corner into which you've painted yourself, McCain?

I positively can't wait to see McCain prove his "passion" and "courage" by tacitly calling Obama a terrorist on national television. Yes, show us your passion and courage—and your abysmal lack of integrity and honor, to boot. Thrill your bloodthirsty base, and show every undecided voter in the nation what an ignoble scoundrel you really are. And always have been.

John McCain: I have every right to insist that [Obama] be candid and truthful with the American people, uh, and he needs to be asked about [his relationship to Bill Ayers] and he needs to be forthcoming.

Charlie Gibson: You didn't raise that, this argument, or line of argument, in the debate the other night, and I asked Senator Obama about that yesterday; he said, "Yeah, I'm surprised that John didn't say that to my face."

McCain: [laughs tersely] Oh, I'll be glad to—[more terse laughter]—that's a— Again, uh—two things I've never been accused of lacking in: One is passion and the other is courage. I mean, I can—I can accept a lot of the other, uh, criticisms—it didn't come up in the flow of the conversation.

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