[Trigger warning.]

Question: What do Aaron P. Taylor and God have in common?

Answer: They both think naughty girls who have the audacity to flirt with boys deserve to be raped.

At least, that's what the good Christians of the Cedar Hill, Texas, Trinity Church's "Hell House: The Devil's Playground" would have mebelieve:
A girl makes friends with a guy on Facebook. They decide to go out on a date. When they meet, the guy brutally rapes her. A demon emerges from the shadows, sneering, and tells her she deserved it. It's her fault she was raped. She shouldn't have agreed to meet someone from one of those sinful online communities.

Next up? A young girl is sexually assaulted by a family member and in despair commits suicide. She is promptly consigned to the fires of hell for an eternity of pain and suffering.

Welcome to Hell House - The Devil's Playground.
Any Christians got a problem with these interpretations of scripture…? [At the link, Max shares the story of one group of local Christian teens who did and peacefully protested the Hell House. Right on.] I mean, I know that it's a "demon" telling the rape victim that she deserved it—but if there's no condemnation of the victim-blaming, isn't the takeaway message that bad girls get raped and then deservedly taunted by demons? If "God" doesn't endorse victim-blaming, then why isn't the scene a girl being told it's her fault she was raped, and then the blamer being smited?

Wev. I can't spend any more time trying to parse this horseshit to make some kind of sense of it. It's like asking an actual piece of string to explain string theory and waiting for an answer.

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