by Ginmar—liberal pinko commie hippie feminist female combat veteran who loves zombies and werewolves and hates trolls, twits, and MRAs.
Today's my birthday and the month I first started blogging. On October 26th, I'll have been blogging for six years—six thousand one hundred forty eight posts, forty seven thousand comments posted, and one hundred ninety nine thousand, two hundred thirty one comments received. Some of those posts were even about vibrators running off to join the circus, imaginary boyfriends, and complaints about the paucity of werewolf / zombie / vampire disaster / apocalypse Martian movies.
Blogging saved my life, changed me, and introduced me to friends I'd never have had a chance of meeting. Oh, like Liss, for example. And you can blame fanfiction for this. I was commenting on other peoples' blogs, and a person gave me a code for an LJ. Scary. I shudder to think what it would have been like—surviving Iraq and coming home to find nobody cared.
What do you blame your blogging on? How did you get into it?
(If you're not a blogger yourself, how you got into reading and commenting at blogs will do.)
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