I'm too fat, quite honestly, to be told I resemble any celebrities very often. But those who fancy British comedy often tell me I resemble Dawn French, who is living, sexy, voluptuous proof that big can be beautiful, and I consider the comparison blushingly flattering. (She's actually way prettier than I am.)
Dawn on the left; Liss on the right.
(That was an existing picture of me, by the way. It wasn't taken just to try to highlight the resemblance.)
Iain is a dead ringer for Louis CK, except that Iain still has a full head of curls.
Iain on the left; Louie on the right.
(As an aside, I had to argue endlessly with Iain to allow me to post that picture of him the first time 'round. He claims he looks "like a bucket of monkey-spunk." Wev. I love that picture.)
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