Speaking of Waterboarding...

Hand-in-hand with Zuzu's post below , we have this charming little nugget from Think Progress.
Yesterday, the Sacramento County Republican party removed from their website images that likened Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) to Osama bin Laden. One of the images "encouraged people to 'Waterboard Barack Obama'":
The rest of the images are also quite charming. Racism, sexism, and eliminationism! Whee! Welcome to the wonderful world of the Republican party, folks!

And of course, it wouldn't be complete without a "it's your fault if you're offended" statement:
The chairman of the Sacramento County Republican party, Craig MacGlashan, told the Sacramento Bee on Tuesday, "Some people find it offensive, others do not. I cannot comment on how people interpret things."
Yes, because cheering on the idea of torturing a fucking Presidential candidate is all about interpretation. (Not to mention that this "funny" image just goes to show that Republicans know that waterboarding is torture, yet refuse to take it seriously as long as it's happening to others.)

Someone, please, get me a TARDIS so I can fast forward to January.

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