Spying and Terrorism are Hilarious

John McCain is a huge jackass. I know that's like the hugest "duh" of all time at this point, but I'm running out of ways to convey my well-earned contempt for him.

For those who can't hear the audio at the link, here's a transcript of the relevant bit:
Reporter: Senator McCain's day began with a round of interviews on some of Miami's popular Spanish-language radio stations. One of the hosts, Enrique Santos, told McCain he was planning to cast his ballot the next day and remained undecided.

McCain: We have surveillance cameras, and we'll know how you vote, okay? [laughter] So, you, uh, I would suggest, if you vote the wrong way, you hire someone to start your car tomorrow morning. [laughter]

Reporter: That was a joke.
Of course it was. Because spying on American citizens and terrorism are fucking hilarious. Just like bombing Iran, murdering Jon Stewart, calling Hillary Clinton a bitch, domestic violence, and rape are fucking hilarious.

Quite an awesome sense of humor that guy's got.

[H/T to Shaker Denise in comments.]

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