In addition to the 10- and 14-point leads found in recent polling I mentioned last night, two more polls are showing big leads for Obama: Fox News' poll shows Obama leading by 9 points, and the new Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll finds him leading by 9.6 points.
The bad news is that Obama's not leading by that much in every state, or even the states in which he is leading—McCain will win some states, including some with lots of electoral votes, and it only takes one or two swing states to swing McCain's way for him to eke out a win.
The good news is that it still bodes well for Obama's chances, and/or badly for McCain's, and if Obama wins with a popular vote total anywhere near reflective of that polling, he really will have a mandate to push a progressive agenda. (Whether he grabs that opportunity with both fists as he should is another matter entirely. Never underestimate a Democrat's capacity to fail utterly when handed the opportunity for a wild success!)
Also: Even if the worst happens, and McCain wins, Obama looks very likely to win the popular vote—and, if he does (no less if he wins it by a lot while losing the electoral college), it may at long last serve as the impetus for the fundamental election reforms we so desperately need.
Or maybe just riots and martial law.
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