The health insurance industry said Wednesday that it would support a health care overhaul requiring insurers to accept all customers, regardless of illness or disability. But in return, the industry said, Congress should require all Americans to have coverage.The health insurance industry's in the bag for Clinton!!!!11!eleventy-one!!!
...In separate actions, the two trade groups, America's Health Insurance Plans and the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association, announced their support for guaranteed coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions, in conjunction with an enforceable mandate for individual coverage.
In the absence of such a mandate, insurers said, many people will wait until they become sick before they buy insurance.
...[T]he industry's position differs from that of Mr. Obama in one significant respect. Insurers want the government to require everyone to have and maintain insurance. By contrast, Mr. Obama would, at least initially, apply the requirement only to children.
All snark aside, this is a fairly momentous turn of events that the same health insurance industry which tanked the Clintons' universal healthcare initiative in '94 is now publicly bargaining with the president-elect.
(Who should tell them to get stuffed so we can have proper socialized healthcare, but won't. But that's a whole other post.)
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