Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman Tuesday declared that Forida's 50-year-old ban on gay adoptions unconstitutional -- a ruling that state lawyers immediately said they would challenge.And another brick crumbles from the wall of inequality.
The ruling sets the stage Frank Gill, a gay man from North Miami, to adopt two foster children he has raised since 2004.
In a 53-page ruling [pdf], Judge Lederman said, ''It is clear that sexual orientation is not a predictor of a person's ability to parent.''
Two lawyers from the Florida Attorney General's Office said they would file an appeal Tuesday.
''We respect the court's decision,'' said Assistant Attorney General Valerie Martin. ''Based upon the wishes of our client, the Department of Children & Families, we will file an appeal.''
Gill, who is raising the half-brothers, ages 4 and 8, said he was ''elated'' by the ruling and ''I cried tears of joy for the first time in my life.''
Florida Gay Adoption Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
Following up on this post, here is some great news:
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