...that in response to the Great Blame-the-Dumb-Slutathon of 2008, there are a good few people who are calling out McCain campaign staffers as hypocrites (see Campbell Brown here, for example), but McCain himself is largely being exempted from criticism.
If what the staffers are now saying about Palin is true (and I'm not convinced it is, but it is certainly being reported that way), it means that the man who ran a campaign under the slogan "Country First" while traveling on the "Straight Talk Express" told the nation with reckless disregard for the potentially disastrous consequences that a patently and dangerously unqualified candidate was prepared to be president in his stead, if necessary.
And if what the staffers are now saying about Palin is not true, it means that the man who told us over and over and over that he is a man of honor and integrity is letting his former running mate be smeared in a pathetic bid to save his own tattered reputation.
The reality is that probably some of what is being said is true and some isn't, which means that McCain is both colossally injurious liar and unctuous scoundrel.
It would be nice if I heard half as much about that as I've heard about Sarah Palin's wardrobe dysfunction.
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