In an open letter to her brother (and conservative firebrand) Newt last week, Candace Gingrich, who is an out lesbian, took him to task for his anti-gay positions: "The truth is that you're living in a world that no longer exists. I, along with millions of Americans, clearly see the world the way it as – and we embrace what it can be. You, on the other hand, seem incapable of looking for new ideas or moving beyond what worked in the past. Welcome to the 21st century, big bro."Read the whole thing here.
Welcome indeed.
In 2004, the GOP's Federal Marriage Amendment, seeking to ban same-sex marriage nationally, failed for the first time; in 2006, it failed for the second time. It has been reintroduced this year; it will fail again – if it even makes it to a vote.
By August of 2005, only a year after 11 states banned same-sex marriage by ballot, a Pew Research poll found that 53% of Americans supported same-sex civil unions (and 35% of those supported full marriage equality). It was also a year after Massachusetts legalized same-sex marriage – and the state had had an entire year to explode, but hadn't...
(And to the Ts: I'm planning something more specific to you for CifA in future, so please don't feel forgotten or unimportant to me.)
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