Step 1:
When the human settles in bed to read, jump up on pillow. Take up as much of the pillow as possible while wrapping yourself around the human's head. Purr as loud as possible. This should last approximately half an hour or until the human's head starts to become uncomfortably hot. Flexing of claws into back of head optional.
Step 2:
When the human has had enough of the heat and decides to shift position, inch forward onto rest of pillow. When the human looks at you exasperatedly, lick the human's face until human laughs.
Step 3:
When the human says "fine, have the pillow while I read", get up and move. Snuggle into a ball behind the human's bent knees. Be in position to attack feet whenever they might move, especially in the middle of the night after human has fallen asleep.
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