A bitch is still struggling to put into words what I am feeling right now. I must confess that I didn’t believe an Obama win was possible until they called it on the telly (Brother Rob Thurman was quick to call a bitch and remind me that he was right…and I’m thrilled enough to take that shit graciously).
I’m going to relish this indescribable feeling today…allow my soul to fill with the emotion of knowing that my Father, may he rest in peace, would be so thrilled that he lived to witness this…and let my sore as hell feet heal a bit (wince).
But tomorrow we begin again.
President Elect Obama inherits a towering mass of drama and the daunting task of dealing with it.
And our work…the work of social justice…begins today.
Elections give us tools that we call politicians. It is our job to use the hell out of them…to hold them accountable and to work with them to bring about change.
So get your party on, y’all.
As soon as Missouri finishes the count (Lawd, have mercy…get it done, people!!) and bitch will dust my Afro off and get to it.
Because this moment…these twilightesque weeks between Election Day and inaugurations…is when major shit goes down.
We have not reached the mountaintop, however exciting this historic moment may be.
With many states passing inequality into law…with so many in economic peril…with our nation still at war…and with reproductive justice still under attack…we have a lot of work to do.
And you’d better believe this bitch is fired up and ready to go!
Change happens…
…when we the people make it happen.
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