"Everything that President-elect Obama has done since election night has been just about perfect, both in terms of a tone and also in terms of the strength of the names that have either been announced or are being discussed to fill his administration," [Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman] said during a visit to Hartford.I'm sure Obama will get an extra-special awesome good night's sleep tonight, knowing that Joe Lieberman approves. Nothing's quite so meaningful as a compliment on one's decision-making from a man whose last big decision was to endorse and campaign for John McCain.
The AP frames this as Lieberman taking a step "toward mending his relationship with Democrats," but anyone who's paid the slightest bit of attention to Lieberman's trajectory over the last decade should know this has nothing to do with making amends and everything to do with a wildly inflated ego and the firm conviction that he is an unassailably wise and objective observer of All Things Beltway, conferred by the two parties fighting over him like starving dogs over a scrap of meat.
Just because both dogs want you doesn't make you a steak, you old piece of gristle.
[H/T to Shaker Lena.]
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