(Don't forget to check out all the links and pictures in the comments of the first thread!)
"Iain and the girls"—Liss (who notes that Tils was on her lap)
Shaker Lindsey got to go to a concert: "On Monday, I saw Ted Leo (of Ted Leo & The Pharmacists) perform solo in Brooklyn at the best DIY venue I've seen, the Market Hotel in Bushwick. It was probably the best show that I have ever been to, and that's saying a lot. Afterwards, I met Ted and talked to him for a minute, and it has made me deliriously happy all week! Honestly, I've had the biggest crush on Ted Leo for the last six years or so."
Leek-spin, brought to us by Shaker milobloom. It's mesmerizing! (Epileptics or other seizure-prone people might want to be careful with this one.)
Shaker sunnyhello brings us two adorable pictures of her gorgeous puppeh, Annabelle:
Shaker Faith says that, in addition to her husband, she is made happy by:
(These are mugs. More info at TikiFarm.)
Miss Moneypenny, Shaker Coffeegirl_Karin's hamster:
Sent by Shaker Easto, this 41 second video made me giggle!
The Buffy fangirl, Rocky Horror fan, and Anthony Stewart Head fangirl in Shaker Kitty are all satisfied by this video!
As before, send submissions of what makes you happy to Shaker Llencelyn!
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