OK, Shakers, this is the moment you've been waiting for! How to build your very own personal Caganer!
To begin, let's assemble some materials -- You will need:
A. Some Snow
B. Some tools -- a table knife will also do (especially if you are DIYing with children)
Step 1: First, Form Your Basic Shape:
Step 2: Voila! Your very own Venus of Willendorf Solstice Caganer[tm] (Wasn't that easy?)
Complete with All-Natural, Seasonally-Appropriate Poo!
Of course, if you're the type that doesn't really go for the whole Diety thing (even in Great Goddess format), then you may want to opt for a PortlyDyke Caganer --
(Real PortlyDyke not included -- shown only for scale. Cheap-ass beer also not included.)
This has been your Daily Caganer -- Click Here for Parts I, II, III, IV, V ,VI & VII
ps. It was all my Beloved's idea.
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