Yeah, yeah, I missed a day -- so sue me.
I was busy contemplating my navel. (Really)
So, I have been struck, in my caganerish wanderings, by the wondrous "everyone does it" aspect of the whole phenom.
Yes, it's something we all do, one way or another -- but I am struck by how facile and expressive the Catalonians are in their portrayal of the subtle aspects of how uniquely we each render our poopful offerings to fertilize the planet. For example, there is the "Bush Caganer":
First of all -- there's the whole "He's Got The Whole World . . . . Under His Arm, He's Got the Whole Wide World . . . Under His Arm . . " meme in play (which is alarming to me at all sorts of levels -- I mean, have other nations given him that kind of power, too?).
Then there's the problematic nature of taking a crap whilst attempting to keep an entire planet neatly tucked alongside. (I don't know about you, but personally, I'm kind of a "get down to business" gal when I get down to business, ya know?)
And finally, there's the problem of the Bush poo itself -- meager, scanty -- thoroughly unsatisfying -- I mean, if you're going to take a dump on the entire planet, can't you do better than that?
Far more gratifying is the contribution of the Caganer Buddha:
A nice fat turd that indicates that one might actually want to support the fecundity of the Earth -- what one of my friends used to call a "horseshoe floater".
Although why his robe would be blue from the front and red from the back is still a mystery to me.
Must be a Buddha thing.
This has been your Daily Caganer. Click Here for Parts I, II, & III.
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