OK -- So my final Caganer for this year . . . . includes an Easter Egg (because what's a religious holiday without a symbolic implantation of the whole cosmic birth/death thing -- ammaright, or ammaright?)
Find and click the Caganer in the Nativity Scene below, and you will be treated to a bit of helpful Holiday Advice from PortlyDyke which addresses what many of us experience as one of the thornier aspects of this season.
Hint: Use your mouse.
Teaser: The Easter Egg is Close-Captioned.
This is your Daily Caganer reporter signing off for the 2008 Caganer season.
(Thank Maude -- the Caganer spirit got so intense around here that my cat crapped on a bed, my Beloved stepped in dog-dung this morning, and there were even reports of Caganer-related REM cycles. All Hail! the Power of the Poo.)
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