In Ur Series, Stealin' Your Poopin' Statues

Okay, so it's not really a Caganer, but I saw this wonderful little fellow online yesterday, and had to share it with the rest of you. Portly has given me permission to totally rip her off, so I'm free to inflict upon you...

Marzipan Coin-Pooping Man!!

What better way to celebrate Christmas and use your leftover almond paste than by molding it into a little man taking a dump? Yummy! I simply adore the description:
Traditional New Year's gift in Germany for Good Luck and prosperity. Don't we all need some??

The meaning behind this tradition: When you present this to someone for the New Year, you are wishing them so much success in the upcoming year that they will be gold coins. Give these out to your New Year's Eve guests.
It just amuses me to no end that, even though they coyly omit part of the word, the site actually says "shitting" rather than "pooping."

You see, Deeky? The Germans do always make good stuff!

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