(Don't forget to check out the other happy-making contributions in the comments threads of Happy Posts One and Two.)
Shaker Deadra is happy to live in a picture postcard, and to get to spend Christmas in one, too!
From Shaker Blue Sky (careful, if you watch this, don't be drinking anything that might squirt out your nose):
(Liss has offered her praise of that stunning work of art before.)
Shaker Susan shares with us two photos from what she refers to as "the happiest time ever in [her] life," visiting the Galapagos Islands!
Crossing paths with a giant tortoise:
Swimming with a seal:
Shaker Anne brings us three adorable mice pictures, and a link to her collection of baby mouse photos.
Adorable mouse album!
Shaker Betsy's half-grown kitteh, Chompers!
If you liked "Only in Kenya," here is their new "Only in Somalia!" Now with Pirates!
Have a wonderful day, Shakers!
If you would like to send more submissions to be used in the future, go ahead and email them to happyshakesville@yahoo.com . I'll keep them safe and ready for posting the next time we're all in need of a lift.
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