"In Illinois, as is true in American politics generally, there are two views of politics. There’s a view of politics that says you go in this for sacrifice and public service, and then there's a view of politics that says that this is a business, and you're wheeling and dealing, and what's in it for me? … There are extraordinary traditions of public service coming out of Illinois, even after Abraham Lincoln. … But what you also have, I think, are habits and a culture that thinks of politics as a—as a means of self-aggrandizement. That's exactly what has to change."—President-Elect Barack Obama, during a press conference this morning.
Think Progress has video, with full transcript.
Obama also noted this morning that he is "confident that no representatives of mine would have any part of any deals related to this seat" and has "asked my team to gather the facts of any contacts with the governor's office about this vacancy so that we can share them with you over the next few days."
Wow. Transparency. I almost forgot what that looked like!
(Pun intended.)
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