Shaker Pets 2008, Part Eight

[Shaker Pets 2008, Part One; Part Two; Part Three; Part Four; Part Five; Part Six; Part Seven.]

This will be the last round of Shaker Pets, because my eyes are now blurring from formatting photos. If you haven't sent yours in already, you'll have to save them until next time!

Lauren's guinea pigs Charlie and Lola

Charlie is unthrilled about playing dress-up

MochaMojo, who is a foster mom to nearly two
dozen cats, shares pix of her personal pets, Jai...

...Fat Man...

...and Wagahai.

SarahMC's dog Hoagie

Andy's cats Aslo...

...and Virtue.

Cassie's dogs Doyle...

...and Siofra...

...and cats Kepler...

...and Poe.

The Fat Lady Sings' oldest dog Smokey Joe...

...and two of her seven cats, Kilmouski and Inky Dinky Doo.

Justine's cats Hades and BooBoo

One of Jackie's two dogs, Clover...

...and three of her nine cats, Cinder...


...and Milo.

Chlorine X's cat Harlow...

...and dogs Sophie and Dutch.

AbracaDeborah's cats Teal, Doug, Sasha, and Cotton

Annaham's dog Winston

Cooker's cats Pinot Grigio, Stella...

...and future Livsy-lookalike Miles.

The McMullens' cats Angel...

...and Amelia...

...and dogs Prissy...

...Rose and Freud.

Mimi's cat Clark D. Cat

Mythhunter's cats Kay-Cay and Buddy

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