Shaker Pets

Back in April of 2006, we did a six-part series (One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six) of Shaker Pets, and I've always meant to do it again, but never got around to it.

So since it's a slow time for news, I figured it was a good time for another round. Email me pix of your pets with their names (and breeds—and species, if necessary!) and I'll post a collection. Cats, dogs, birds, lizards, snakes, rabbits, frogs, goats, chickens—whatever you've got.

To get us started, here's a partial gallery of Shakesville Contributor Pets...

Afonso Wolfrum

Duchess Wolfrum

Jack Wolfrum

Max Wolfrum

Rory the Spud

Sam O'Misty

Zoë O'Misty

Kali and Juni Van Deeky

Delia Petulant

Dashiell Petulant

Dagny Petulant

Moon Spacecowpokeblaum

Feather Spacecowpokeblaum

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