
Arriving January 2009 at a theater near you:


You have got to be kidding me. There is not one legitimate reason on Maude's green earth, nor even a single, solitary, infinitesimal particle of a substance remotely resembling a reason, for this fooking piece of execrable misogybaggery to even exist.

And no—making money off of promulgating ugly, demeaning, and oppressive stereotypes about women while simultaneously celebrating the privilege conferred by whiteness, straightness, able-bodiedness, and wealth is not, as it happens, a legitimate reason.

It positively horrifies me that there are people who will find this entertaining. And not just because it offends me on every level as a progressive and a feminist, but because it just looks like total shit!

Big stinking wev.

Oh, and, while I'm not surprised to see Kate Hudson and Anne Hathaway throwing this huge pile of fetid waste into the cultural tradewinds, I'm appalled that Candice Bergen would sell her soul to this pathetic devil. Grrl, you were Murphy fuckin' Brown! Gah!

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