The BART police officer who shot and killed Oscar Grant on New Year's Day, then quit the force to avoid cooperating with the investigation, has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Johannes Mehserle, 27, of Lafayette was taken into custody in Douglas County, Nev., said Deputy Steve Velez of the Douglas County sheriff's office. The arrest was also confirmed by David Chai, chief of staff to Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums. … An Alameda County judge signed an arrest warrant alleging murder, and Mehserle surrendered without incident, authorities said.Vigilantism is not justice, and no one should be threatening or fixing to take Mehserle's life, if for no other reason than to avoid irreparably screwing up their own lives. But I gotta say, I can't muster much sympathy for a guy who's fearing for his safety after publicly taking the life of another person in cold blood.
The shooting, which was recorded by passengers in videos widely circulated on the Internet and television, prompted public outrage, and some viewers said that the shooting appeared to be an execution.
Sources said Mehserle was in Nevada because he feared for his safety after death threats were made against him.
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