If you'd like to participate in Shaker Gourmet, email me at: shakergourmet (at) gmail.comRoast Veg Stew
Ingredients part 1: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots tomatoes, squash - any varieties. Red bell peppers (or..eugh..green), Parsnips or turnips or beets work well too ;) Basically whatever you might have on hand. I usually use one or two of each. Peel and cube. Preheat oven to 450 deg. F. Toss veg with a little bit of olive oil, sage, pepper and salt. Pop on a baking tray and let roast in the oven for 30 minutes. (or less. After about 20, you might want to check, since all ovens are different)
Ingredients part 2: a couple of good handfuls of spinach and/or mustard greens/broccoli/kale/etc., 1 12 oz. can of crushed tomatoes, 1 cup of veggie broth, 1 cup of dried lentils (optional, but great), spices to taste.
On stovetop, saute up some broccoli or spinach (or any mixture of strong, tasty green things) with some garlic and onion. I usually use about three cloves worth of garlic and roughly the same amount of onion. When everything is wilted and/or golden, empty both the can of tomatoes and the broth into the pot and stir well. add lentils. If
you have dried mushrooms on hand, they're great to crumble in this. A dried chile pepper is great too, if you've got one. Neither is necessary.
I spice this by scent, really. My usual mix includes herbamar, smoked paprika, dried mustard powder, and pepper.
When the veg in the oven are done (browned edges, all the potatoes are soft, etc.) dump them into the pot with the other ingredients and cover and let simmer for about half an hour more.
If it's too thick for your needs, extra water or veg broth will not harm it.
It's great in a bowl with rice, spooned onto tortillas (teff or corn in my case), or mixed with scrambled eggs in the AM!
Shaker Gourmet: Roast Veg Stew
Our recipe this week comes from Shaker JoAsakura, who adds that is is also known as: "Crap. I have a crisper drawer full of produce about to go off."
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