I was riding the El to work this morning, as we're getting another ton of snow dumped upon us. Climate change? Pah! Anyway, Chicago's brown line does a lot of cutting through thickly populated residential areas, which means many people have windows facing very close to the train tracks. Occasionally you'll see someone's taped a sign into their window for the benefit of commuters; "Go Cubs!" signs are common. During the election, there were many Obama messages (and one sad, lone Ron Paul sign that's still hanging. They're not giving up, dammit!).
Today, I saw a cheerful* small sign on an upper window. It said:
"Hi, Train! Love, Tranny."
That made me grin.
(*Yeah, I know I've mentioned my discomfort with using "Tranny" in the past, but this just felt really positive to me.)
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