After we lost six hundred fucking thousand jobs last month (and these Republican ghouls insist we shouldn't worry about helping too quickly,) another scalpel is taken to the stimulus plan. And where are the cuts happening, friends and neighbors?
Total Reductions: $80 billionBecause the last thing people need when they're out of work is education, nutrition for their children, transportation assistance, and fucking food stamps.
Head Start, Education for the Disadvantaged, School improvement, Child Nutrition, Firefighters, Transportation Security Administration, Coast Guard, Prisons, COPS Hiring, Violence Against Women, NASA, NSF, Western Area Power Administration, CDC, Food Stamps
Public Transit $3.4 billion, School Construction $60 billion
Republicans would rather let people starve than give up their tax cuts.
The next time someone complains about the cost of this package, tell them that. Republicans would rather let people starve than give up their tax cuts.
They're plenty happy to give more money to defense, though.
Increases:But hey, at least you can still beat the shit out of women, huh?
Defense operations and procurement, STAG Grants, Brownfields, Additional transportation funding
Republicans would rather let people starve than give up their tax cuts.
Republicans would rather subject women to abuse than give up their tax cuts.
Republicans would rather deprive the disadvantaged of education than give up their tax cuts.
Why the hell are they allowing Republicans to do any of this?
I fucking despair. I really do.
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