Don't Divorce Us

Major blub warning, Shakers. I just watched this video (sent in by Shaker Joe, who hat tips Crooks and Liars), and I seriously sobbed. I honestly do not understand how any person can watch this video and not find their heart broken into a nonillion pieces at the thought of these families being torn apart.

It really underlines what enormous privileges security and privacy are—the knowledge that you are the only people who can fuck up your relationship. This is something I know a little bit about myself, and it is excruciating, unbearably frightening, to have the fate of your relationship in other people's hands. There's no legitimate reason why the people in this video should be denied the security and privacy opposite-sex couples are allowed to enjoy. None.

Support marriage equality in California. And everywhere!

Don't Divorce Us

Tell the Supreme Court to invalidate Prop 8, reject Ken Starr's case, and let loving, committed couples marry.

Donate to the fight here.

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