Iain is off work today because the markets are closed for Presidents' Day, and while we were eating brunch, we put on the TV and I went right for The Price Is Right, which was just starting. As the camera panned over the audience, filled with people in bright, primary-colored t-shirts, seated in the bright, primary-color decorated studio, Iain said, "I loove this shoo! I used tae watch the British version when I was oon holiday as a kid!"
Liss: Me, too. That's why I put it on. Nothing makes you feel more like you're on vacation than watching The Price Is Right. It's all the bright colors. It's the opposite of an office, where everyone's dressed in greys and browns and black and tan.
Iain: Tootally! [pauses; watches show] That's a fooking nutty bid. Bid higher! Bid higher!
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