In Things That Make Me LOL

[Click to embiggen.]

At Pajamas TV's "Just Joe" channel, you can find some of GOP Economic Guru Joe the Plumber's searing insights such as:
The money that they're talking about spending is just absolutely incredible. You can't get your mind around it. We used to think a million dollars was just the most incredible thing. Then it went to billions and now we're talking trillions. And trillions is such a large number we just can't wrap our mind around it; at least I can't.
Insert your own joke here.

[Via Blue Texan, who's got the direct link, if you're inclined to waste some time watching video of a dunderhead make an arse of himself while conservatives jizz in their pants over his stellar, tellin'-it-like-it-is, authentic joesixpackery.]

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