A group of "pro-life" activists was arrested today in Birmingham. Were they demonstrating in front of a clinic? Why, no, they weren't. The New Women All Women Health Clinic was bombed by Eric Rudolph in 1998, killing an off-duty police officer and maiming my next door neighbor's cousin, a nurse who worked at the clinic. Perhaps even "pro-life" activists are too embarrassed to bus in from out of town and
Oh, who am I kidding? Of course they're not, but for this particular event, the "Survivors" Campus Life Tour (that's "survivors" of the abortion "holocaust" -- no, I'm not linking) chose Parker High School for their display of authentic pictures of aborted fetuses and various other scare tactics. And when they were asked to leave school property, they got all hooty about it and ended up getting arrested for trespassing.
The comments to the story run the gamut from anti-choice to...anti-choice (with a few voices of reason thrown in). There are the typical rantings about evil baby killers, but then there's this from girlygirl569:
For every abortion, that is one less future thug on the streets and one less brat our tax dollars have to support!
She follows that up with this gem:
If you do not have insurance and you cannot pay to have a baby, then you sure can't afford to raise one. I would rather my tax money go to pay for an abortion than to pay for the birth of another brat that we are going to have to support!
Nice! And I bet girlygirl69 is very well aware that Parker High School is predominantly black. Yeah, abortion is a-okay with her as long as it limits the reproduction of those she considers unworthy.
I'm not sure who disgusts me more -- the "survivors" or the bigots.
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