News from Shakes Manor

Iain is home sick today with "a sore froat and ear" which he attributes to at least "twelve different diseases." It's been a week or more coming on, and it's finally caught up to him, so there has been much lying around and whinging and general patheticness. Earlier I caught him flopped half on and half off the sofa, staring off into space, looking remarkably like Stains the Dramatic Cupcake Dog:

Liss: [trying not to laugh] Are you okay, babe?

Iain: Mmph. My froat hurts.

Liss: You look like Stains the Dramatic Cupcake Dog.

Iain: I want a coopcake.

Liss: No cupcakes, stinkabetes-head.

Iain: Rrrrraaawwwrrrr! [<--Half whinge, half growl; sounds like a baby velociraptor.]

Liss: [laughing openly now] Is there anything I can get you?

Iain: The Dark Knight in HD.

Liss: [puts on The Dark Knight in HD] There you go, poor little sick fingle.

Iain: Fank you.

Liss: You're welcome. Batman will heal all.

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