What are the best and worst home improvement projects you've ever done?
This house is a never-ending DIY home improvement project. I can't believe this post was almost three years ago, and we're still. not. done. We've done so many projects, encompassing every single room, I can't even remember them all, but for sure the worst was removal of the Shredding Wallpaper of the Damned (as seen in above-linked post), and the best is always the one we're doing, bringing us one wee bit closer to feeling like we're finally living in our home.
And, yes, to those who asked, I will post pictures of yesterday-and-today's finished project once we're done. In the meantime, Iain has taken over painting the door because I am "too slow." Slow. Meticulous. Tomato! Tomahto! LOL.
Iain: Good loord, wooman. Yer like Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel oover there.
Liss: I'm meticulous!
Iain: Yes, ye are, tschoobs. But ye've spent the last five minutes painting a bit that's gaen tae be oonder the frame!
Liss: Oh, ha ha. Well, maybe someday someone in the future will take off the frame and think, "My, what a lovely edging job!"
Iain: Moore likely it will be me.
Liss: Thinking, "What a waste of time."
Iain: [laughs] Noo way, babe! I'll be finking it's AWESOOME.
Liss: Wev. [switches brush into left hand to get into corner more easily] You're just jealous because I'm ambidextrous and can paint with both hands.
Iain: That is pretty cool. Although I'm surprised it makes ye twice as sloo instead of twice as fast.
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