Question of the Day

"We are dealing with sick people here!"*

My mother is in the hospital today having a complete shoulder replacement. If all goes well she will be home tomorrow. I am looking at her Netflix queue, trying to decide the funniest, most uplifting movies/TV shows to help her through the post-surgery pain and exhaustion phase and the subsequent frequent rests she'll need between physical therapy exercises. So, the question is, what movies/TV shows have gotten you through difficult periods of recuperation (surgeries, accidents, illnesses, etc.)? If you have a chronic illness that flares, what uplifts you through the bad times?

After some oral surgery in '87, I watched The Princess Bride so many times I know it by heart.

*Cloris Leachman in High Anxiety. We love this move so much in my family that when we were kids my parents would joke about taking our fruit cups away if we were late anywhere. Yeah, this one is totally going at the top of my Mother's Netflix list now.

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