Gawker put together a nice gallery of what they considered the ten most heinous images by Sean Delonas, the New York Post cartoonist responsible for the "stimulus-writing-monkey-shot-dead" cartoon. But I thought they didn't dig deep enough, so I came up with a list of my own.
Gay men: They fuck sheep!
Rosie O'Donnell: She is fat!
Michael Moore: He is fat also!
Heather Mills: She has one leg!
New York Gov. Michael Paterson: He is blind!
Madonna: She has aged!
And so forth.
So, for the record, here's a (presumably noncomprehensive) noncomprehensive list of groups Delonas hates/considers worthy of mockery: the womenz, the gays, the blacks, the fatties, the handicapped, the oldsters, and the blind. Given that list, I'm thinking Delonas' only audience is, what, angry white male misanthropes with body anxiety and mommy issues? If I was the New York Post, that might have me worried. But instead, they're probably congratulating him for being an "equal opportunity offender."
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