
So for my birthday today I was planning on having cheesecake. I loves me some cheesecake and make a pretty darn good one. Typically I don't have to make my own cake but I insisted because I really like making cheesecake. Whilst in the middle of making it this morning, the phone rang. After the brief conversation, I went back to mixing then got it in the crust and put it in the oven. While my youngest and I were enjoying the remains of the batter I thought we probably shouldn't have too much because of the raw eggs. EGGS! *@&%$&!!@^*#$*! I forgot the damned eggs! And it was already baking in the oven! So, we bought a cheesecake from a local bakery this afternoon (because we were out and didn't have time to remake one). Normally I can put together a cake just fine, it's the decorating where my Real Skillz™ come into play. So here's a brief look at my complete inability to be crafty and a bit of humor for this Friday afternoon.

First up is one of my favorites. From my third kiddo's fourth birthday last year:

This more like "Drunk and Leering" than "Lightning" McQueen

Our youngest kiddo's third b-day last year:

Fondant is not my forté.

From our daughter's recent birthday last weekend:

I should totally get a job piping. Totally.

Another favorite memory is my attempt at a "bunny cake" for Easter '04, which ended up resembling a slaughtered rabbit on a platter for a period of time:

You can read the full story about that bunny cake. Sadly I cannot find any pictures of the final result. It was somethin', let me tell you. LOL!

I'm sure Charm City Cakes will be calling any day now.

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