Take Action for Autism!

As most of you know, a bitch’s older brother is autistic. Autism has been in the news a lot and there have been tons of features exploring how autism impacts a family…but one of things rarely covered is the economic impact and the lack of insurance coverage for treatment.

I grew up in a house where everything from a family meal to an outing to pick up groceries was a structured treatment…my parents tried everything and anything to try to help my brother adjust to the world.

Now that my sister and this bitch are co-guardians, we are working to try and make the world adjust more to my brother.

And looming over every option…whether a family has a young child or an adult with autism…is the issue of funding and what is or isn’t covered by insurance.

Well, we now have a chance to act through legislation that would reform the way the insurance industry handles coverage for treatments of autism spectrum disorder.

Legislation is being considered in several state including Missouri. Autism Votes is asking for folks to contact your legislator and let them know that insurance coverage matters and that you are watching.

Take a moment and visit the Autism Votes website.

Get familiar with legislation pending in your state.

And contact those charged with making decisions and casting these important votes!


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